Urban fantasy
Dragon curse
Father-daughter conflict
Cleaner business
Magical society

Part-Time Gods


A Cleaner cursed with bad luck must navigate dragon magic and city politics to pay off a debt to her overbearing father, while forming a partnership with a cybernetically enhanced human in a magical city ruled by a god. The story delves into themes of independence, family dynamics, and the complexities of relationships, set in a vibrant urban fantasy world filled with dragons, magic, and intrigue.

Reader Review Summary

Part-Time Gods by Rachel Aaron is an enchanting and thrilling sequel in the DFZ series that will delight urban fantasy fans. Set in the wonderfully imaginative magical mess of the Detroit Free Zone, this book continues the exciting adventures of Opal Yong-ae, a determined young woman laboring under a dragon's curse as she tries to gain her independence.

One of the greatest strengths of Part-Time Gods is its fantastic worldbuilding. Aaron has crafted a unique, complex magical world that is a joy to explore. The DFZ itself is almost a character - a sentient, ever-shifting city full of gods, dragons, mages, and magic. The intricate details and rules of how the different types of magic work, from thaumaturgy to shamanism, really bring the setting to vibrant life.

Opal remains a compelling, relatable protagonist that you can't help but root for, even when her stubbornness gets her into trouble. Her journey fighting for freedom and control over her own life, complicated by family issues and dragon politics, is an engaging emotional core to the story. The developing romance with her mysterious partner Nik is also well-handled, adding heart and stakes without overwhelming the main plot.

Aaron's breezy, humorous writing style makes Part-Time Gods a quick, fun read while still delivering plenty of action, intrigue, and meaningful character development. Appearances from beloved characters from the Heartstriker series are a welcome bonus for established fans, but the book is still accessible to new readers.

The only minor criticisms are that some of the plot twists are a bit predictable and the ending feels rather abrupt, leaving several threads dangling for the next installment. But even with those quibbles, Part-Time Gods is a creatively imagined, solidly entertaining urban fantasy adventure. With lovable characters, an amazing magical setting, and a story that keeps you engaged from start to finish, this is a series well worth diving into for any fan of the genre. I can't wait to see what Rachel Aaron does next in the DFZ!

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