Space Opera
Interstellar conflict
Origin story of Zhobotter
Investigation of sabotage
Unresolved mysteries

Angriff der Sternspitze


A complex space opera unfolds as Atlan investigates sabotage among the Wyconder, uncovering a web of intrigue involving Zhobotter's unwitting manipulation and the mysterious Leun. Themes of betrayal, redemption, and hidden agendas drive the narrative, leaving readers eager for the next installment in the series.

Reader Review Summary

Based on the marketing description, reader ratings, and selected reader reviews, "Angriff der Sternspitze" (Attack of the Starpoint) by Leo Lukas appears to be an engaging and thought-provoking addition to the Perry Rhodan series. Here's an extensive review highlighting the positive aspects:

Lukas has crafted a multifaceted and captivating narrative that seamlessly weaves together multiple storylines, deftly alternating between the present and past events. The intricate interplay between these parallel narratives creates a cinematic reading experience, keeping readers hooked and eagerly anticipating the next revelation.

One of the standout elements is the introduction of the fascinating Wyconder race, with their intricate anarchistic, isolationist, matriarchal, and techno-religious society. Lukas's depiction of this enigmatic civilization is both immersive and thought-provoking, leaving readers craving for more insights into their culture and history. The Wyconder storyline adds depth and richness to the overall tapestry of the Perry Rhodan universe.

Another highlight is the origin story of the compelling character Zhobotter, which multiple readers have praised as a highlight of the novel. Lukas masterfully delves into Zhobotter's tragic past, providing readers with a profound understanding of his motivations and inner turmoil. This character exploration not only humanizes Zhobotter but also adds emotional weight to the narrative, fostering a deeper connection between readers and the characters.

Lukas's writing style is consistently praised for its intelligence, witty dialogue, and ability to effortlessly blend action, mystery, and speculation. The novel presents a multitude of tantalizing mysteries and unanswered questions, inviting readers to engage in lively discussions and theorize about the larger implications within the Perry Rhodan universe. This sense of curiosity and active participation in unraveling the mysteries is a hallmark of the series and a testament to Lukas's storytelling prowess.

Furthermore, the book excels in maintaining a gripping pace and delivering unexpected twists and turns. The revelation of Zhobotter's unwitting role in the manipulation of the Phoenix's blueprints is a masterful plot twist that catches readers off guard while seamlessly tying together various narrative threads.

Overall, "Angriff der Sternspitze" by Leo Lukas is a captivating and intellectually stimulating addition to the Perry Rhodan series. With its rich world-building, compelling character development, and thought-provoking mysteries, this novel is sure to delight both long-time fans and newcomers alike. Lukas's masterful storytelling leaves readers eagerly anticipating the next installment and the unraveling of the intricate tapestry he has woven.

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