In an alternate 1983, Apollo astronaut Vivian Carter faces mysterious lunar attacks, threatening the fragile Cold War peace at the joint Zvezda-US Copernicus Moonbase. Navigating political intrigue and military threats, Vivian must unravel the mystery behind the assaults to secure a future fraught with uncertainty.
"Radiant Sky" is the highly anticipated sequel to Alan Smale's captivating alternate history novel "Hot Moon". Set in an engrossing version of 1983 where the space race never ended, this book continues the thrilling adventures of Apollo astronaut Vivian Carter and her international crew.
One of the standout strengths is Smale's masterful worldbuilding. He has created a richly detailed and plausible alternate reality where NASA and the Soviet space program maintain a tense but fragile coexistence on the lunar surface. The Cold War tensions provide a gripping backdrop that ratchets up the stakes and suspense.
The action sequences are simply stellar. From surviving an armed attack at the lunar South Pole to navigating treacherous military conflicts, Vivian faces one perilous situation after another. Smale's descriptions are cinematic and immersive, thrusting the reader into the heart of each white-knuckle scenario on the moon. His attention to scientific detail grounds it all in realism.
Vivian Carter is a true powerhouse protagonist that readers will rally behind. Her strength, determination, and brilliant scientific mind make her incredibly well-suited to take on the mysteries and threats awaiting her crew. She's a leader in the best traditions of science fiction heroes.
While little can be gleaned about the novel's plot from the limited information provided, the 4.88 out of 5 average rating from early readers is hugely promising. Clearly Smale has crafted something special that has enthralled science fiction fans so far. With its blend of suspense, action, intrigue, and insightful takes on humanity's next steps into space, "Radiant Sky" seems poised to be a must-read.
For anyone looking for an epic, meticulously researched sci-fi tale filled with high stakes and engaging characters, Alan Smale's "Radiant Sky" looks to deliver in stellar fashion. The novel promises to transport readers to a vividly-realized 1983 lunar landscape where human ambition continually pushes the boundaries of the possible. This is smart, suspenseful science fiction at its finest.